Single Page Example

Nice that you’re here! You could use this layout for your personal homepage and tell the world something about you.

The template provides predefined Vue components that you can easily use to link all your social profiles:

And also, you can include your contact information that will be obfuscated to reduce spam:

+1590612938188491590612938188 159061293818812341590612938188 159061293818856789

Privacy-friendly Contact Information

Privacy-friendly way to pass sensitive contact information (e.g. mobile number, private email, messanger name) via URL in (e.g.) email footer - that will be included in the homepage exactly as the other icons. Some information can be passed directly in VuePress:

The “private” contact information can be passed via URL: If called like: the email and skype information will be included in the Contact-Details - and also stored in localStorage to be still available when navigating to other pages.

Font Awesome Icons

You can use font awesome icons. But remember that you need to import the icons that you are using, e.g. in your .vuepress/enhanceApp.js:


import "vue-awesome/icons/book-open"

export default ({
  Vue, // the version of Vue being used in the VuePress app
  options, // the options for the root Vue instance
  router, // the router instance for the app
  siteData, // site metadata
}) => {
  // you can add futher stuff here

Not included in TOC

By the way: This theme also defines a custom container that you can use to create the page sections. But for technical reasons they won’t show up in the navigation links.
